Soo i'm 26...Now what?

So i am finally 26 years old and honestly? I feel like i'm still 19. I mean what does it actually mean to be 26? Am i an adult? Am i suppose to act a certain way now? I never understood when people would tell me "Shamil when i was your age i was married with kids." Yeah well i'm no where near that lol.
Everyone has their own journey in life and i hate when society makes you think that by a certain age you should be married with kids, or living on your own, or have the career you studied for in school.
The reality is...i'm sure allot of us aren't where we thought we would be. When i was 18 i would tell myself that by 25 i would have a baby and be married and have everything together. Well, I'm 26 and i'm not even close to all that.
Wanna know the best part though?
It's ok not to know what you are going to do next, It's ok not to be on the same level someone of your own age is at, It's ok to feel like you're 19 when you're actually 26! Age is only but a number and there are no rules to life. I promise you EVERYTHING comes with time. Once you're where you wanted to be, you'll look back and say "Wow i can't believe i was stressing about things instead of enjoying life back when i was 26."
Enjoy the progress! Enjoy your journey and enjoy the route life is taking you because i promise you, one day you will understand
why they took those turns and why things turned out the way they did.
With love,
Here are a few pictures of my birthday. It was a simple birthday, but a great one. I went to Serendipity in New York City with one of my best friends and it was amazing! I've never been there so it was very exciting for me!  


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